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Blog Staircase Wall Art Ideas – Decorating Simply & Stylishly

Staircase Wall Art Ideas – Decorating Simply & Stylishly

Do you want to know wall art decorating ideas on your staircase in a stylish way?

This article describes an easy way to decorate a wall art on your staircase.

You will find a great way to display art on your staircase wall.

☑Table of Contents

  • How to decorate my staircase wall arts in a stylish way.
  • Best way to choose a wall art to decorate on your staircase.
  • 3 Tips for decorating your staircase with wall arts.
  • Let’s decorate the staircase with wall art to make it beautiful.

How to decorate my staircase with wall arts in a stylish way.

stairway decorating with a wall art
an art on the wall next to the stairway. You can see the stairway art from the living room downstairs.

The image above shows an interior with an art on the wall next to the stairway.

You can view the art of the staircase from the living room downstairs, giving it a sophisticated look.

Let’s take a look at how to decorate a staircase with a wall art, which you can easily do.

Where to hang wall arts on the stairs?

If you want to hang a wall art on your staircase, it is good to hang it on the side wall opposite the staircase railing or on the staircase landing wall.

The “staircase landing” is a rather wide, flat area in the middle of the staircase where the staircase turns around.

Decorate the staircase landing wall

If your staircase has a landing, it is a good idea to hang a favorite art on the landing wall.

Hanging it on the wall at the end of the stairway, you will be able to look straight ahead at the art as you walk through the stairway.

The staircase landing is a place to take a break when going up and down the stairs and a place to switch the direction of one’s gaze.

For this reason, we feel that hanging a wall art on a staircase landing is the easiest place for an art to catch the eye.

Hang on the wall next to the staircase

If your staircase does not have a landing, we recommend hanging the art on the side wall opposite the staircase railing.

If you hang the art on the wall next to the staircase, you can look up the staircase from the living room or other downstairs room, rather than looking at it as you ascend or descend the staircase.

When hanging an art on the wall next to the staircase, it is best to hang an art with a design that looks good from a distance so that it can be viewed from the downstairs room as well.

the height and placement of an art on the staircase.

If you are hanging an wall art on a staircase landing, hang it at a height that matches your eye level when you stand on the staircase landing and look at the wall.

If you choose to hang an art on the wall next to the staircase, you should hang it on the wall at a height that matches your eye level when you pass by the staircase.

But slightly higher so that the art can be seen from the living room or other room downstairs.

If you would like to know more about the height of the painting to hang, please see the following article.

>>Best Height To Hang A Painting In Your Home Attractively.

Best way to choose a wall art to decorate on your staircase.

an art on the staircase landing wall
An art on the staircase landing wall.

When choosing a wall art to hang on the staircase, look at the design of the art as well as the size of it.

We also explain how to find your favorite wall art.

Size of a staircase wall art

Select a staircase wall art that is large enough to be seen from a distance.

If you hang a wall art on a staircase landing, there is no need to be too particular about the size of the art. This is because you can see it from close up.

When you hang a large art, measure the width of the staircase landing and check the size of the art when it is placed on the landing.

If you are hanging it on the wall next to the staircase, it is best to choose a wall art that is somewhat large so that it will look good from the room downstairs.

To learn more about the size of a painting for walls, please see the following article.

>> How To Easily Determine Painting Sizes For Walls

How to find your favorite art

Best way to choose the perfect wall art for your staircase is explained in the following article.
Please take a look at it as well.

>> 5 Ways to Choose the Perfect Art for You [Meet Your Favorites]

3 Tips for decorating your staircase with wall arts.

a wall art for the staircase

Here are three important points to know when decorating a staircase with a wall art.

(1) Hang one impressive wall art

When decorating a staircase, it is recommended to hang a striking art.
This is because the wall art will accentuate the simplicity of the space and give the interior a sophisticated look.

If you wish to display several wall arts side by side on the staircase, we recommend displaying them at different heights to match the difference in the steps of the staircase.

(2) Hang at a height that is easy to clean

It is easy to forget, but after you hang a wall art on the stairs, you will need to dust it off when you feel like it.

If you hang them at a height that is too high for you to reach, you will have to spend time and effort each time you clean them.

If you hang an art on a high staircase wall, hang it at a height that you can reach.

(3) Be creative in decorating the hallway.

If you have a hallway that is connected to the stairs, you need to keep in mind that the viewer will pass through the hallway after going up the stairs.

If you have wall arts in the hallway, it is important to look carefully at the balance between the arts in the hallway and the arts on the stairs.

For more information on how to decorate your hallway in a nice way, please see our article, “Stylish Idea to Decorate Wall Arts for a Hallway“.
Please take a look at it as well.

Let’s decorate the staircase with wall art to make it beautiful.

staircase decorated with a wall art

Decorating a staircase with art on the wall will give your interior a sophisticated look.

You can easily create a comfortable space by choosing and decorating your staircase with arts.

We invite you to decorate your staircase walls with your favorite artwork and create a beautiful space to spend time in.

The following article explains how to decorate your entryway with paintings. Please take a look at this one as well.

>> Entryway Wall Art Decorate Ideas for Bright Impression

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